Aphrodite was known as the Goddess of Love, Beauty, as well as Fertility. Though she was married to the ugliest of all the gods, Hephaestus, she had affairs with all of the gods besides Zeus, Hades, as well as the virgin goddesses Artemis, Athena, and Hestia. She didn’t stop at Olympians, she even had affairs with humans. The two most famous were Anchises and Adonis.
Aphrodite was worshiped by the vast majority of Greek population, and as such used her power, charms, and looks to spread her influence and gain the most Followers for the Greek Pantheon. One of the largest ways she grew the Pantheon was blessing all woman with extreme fertility. With this, the Greek population exploded, and grew tenfold. People from all over heard the news as well, and began to convert over. Though she never fought in the last battle, her influence was one of the main reasons for the victory as the Greeks held the most following in the war, and thus, the most power.